Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Catching Up

I have done a terrible job at my 25 days of thankfulness!

Today is day 16 and I have done 3!

So, here is me catching up on 13 things I am thankful for

#4. Stars. I think stars are one of God's coolest creations and I love being surprised by the wonder of them. I grew up in a place where it was easy to see them, living in Denver makes it harder, so when I am somewhere less populated sometimes they catch me off guard and I have to stare at them.

#5. My car. It's safe and takes me all the places I need to go... and want to go :)

#6. My job at Red Rocks Church. Who else gets to buy 40 cans of spray cheese, wear pantyhose with tennis balls in them on their head and dress up as obscure Bible characters? I get to work, play and learn from people I love.

#7. A wall in my bedroom being painted, "surfer".

#8. My garage=no ice on my car in the morning!

#9. Music. Sara Groves topping my most listened to tab right now.

#10. My apartment being a million times warmer than the sweet place we lived last winter!

#11. Sunshine, lots and lots of sunshine, even when it's snowing.

#12. Compassion International for giving me the gift of being a part of sweet Astrid and Jumanne's lives all the way in Guatemala and Tanzania.

#13. Skype. Getting to see and talk to my niece and nephew almost anytime I want is the best!

#14. Pumpkin bread, pie, whoopies, muffins... The food of this season is the best, it almost takes the sting away from the devastating fact that winter is coming.

#15. Photographs and that my big sister rocks at documenting everything her gorgeous kids do!

#16. Time. I have been trying to slow down lately, turn off the ringer on my phone, shut off the TV, say 'no', turn the radio down in the car and just be. I have had time to read by Bible everyday, organize my closet, cook yummy things, lay in bed and think, meet a friend last minute, write, drive under the speed limit, go to bed earlier, dream and more...it is so wonderful.

1 comment:

Kel said...

These are all great but I think #16 is the best! Way to go! Love you lots.