Friday, January 16, 2009

I'ma burn you in my easy bake oven!

Let me set the scene...

No school. Two kids. Bailey, 7 a very sweet big brother.

Mary, 5 and a total rockstar diva.

Playdate: Cooper...who by the end of the afternoon I had given a different name to.

Lets just say that Cooper brought out a different side of Bailey ;)

Sooooo....Bailey and Cooper come running into the kitchen with Mary chasing them. Out of breath and with a look of terror the boys shout out in full "tattle-tale" fashion...

"Mary said she was gonna burn us in her easy bake oven!!!!!!?"

And the as the mature and experienced nanny that I am... I burst into laughter. This made the boys a little nervous...I think they were thinking that both Mary and I were loosing our minds and that if they weren't careful I would put them in the big oven.

At this point Mary decides to add, "I was just gonna burn their oven is small"

(Me still laughing)

I felt a sort of kin-ship with Miss Mary in that moment...I too understand the feeling of wanting to burn your big brother in your easy bake oven (just his fingers).

Now, since I am a grown up I told the boys to play outside and stop bugging Mary...and told Mary that she can't burn anyone in her easy bake oven.

I love my job :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great chuckle!!! You will make a great Mom one day. Love ya, Mom

Aunt Debby said...

Erica and I were laughing so hard that the dogs came running downstairs wondering what was going on! They have such exciting lives. Also, we think that Drew makes the funniest faces ever!
Love, A. Debby & Erica