Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I really wanted to document this process. Mostly for me and our kid, but I'm finding myself having a hard time saying much more than the facts and timeline every few months. Believe me, way more is going on in my head and heart then I am writing here. I don't feel like I am really documenting the process as I had hoped.

Just as I am writing this I am remembering the summer after my freshman year of college. I had taken my camera on a camping trip gone wrong the previous fall and it had gotten wet and ruined. I didn't have the money to spend on a new camera and it had been months since I had been able to take a picture of something I wanted to remember. I just wasn't documenting my life how I had hoped. I remember coming to a conclusion one day though. The places I was going, the things I was seeing, the memories I was making... all of those things just belonged to me and whoever I was in the moment with. I know it sounds cheesy but it is truly what got me through my time with out a camera.

So, as I was thinking about how I just haven't been documenting this process how I wanted to, and I thought over the things that have happened, tears shed, prayers whispered, questions asked, feelings hurt, understanding felt, support offered, conversations had, hands held, hugs given I realized maybe those things don't need documented how I thought they did. Maybe those things just live in me, and with the people who were there with me. I don't remember everything that happened those months with out my camera, but I'm pretty sure I remember the things that mattered. This doesn't mean I am going to stop keeping boxes and boxes of "keepsakes"; notes written, pictures drawn, encouragement given. I'm not done taking pictures, spending hours looking through them and wanting to document all the little and the important things.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that the things that are not documentable, the things I wish I could capture and revisit as often as I want are possibly not meant to be captured. Shopping for bunk beds, picking out books to read at bedtime, unexpected conversations while we should be working, listening to certain songs over and over and over in the car so I can memorize them to sing as I tuck him into bed, tears that surprise me as I pray for a kid that I've never met, excited friends asking a million questions, moments of catching Drew out of the corner of my eye and knowing he was made to be a Dad, seeing glimpses of the mom I want to be, small moments of knowing with out a doubt how gently and deeply God loves me, Drew and our little kid. Those moments and more, there's no pictures I can show you and no documentation of what was said, what was felt, what was shared, and I'm more okay with that then I was when I started writing this :) All these things are documented in me, Drew and the people we walk life with.

But, now to document some very documentable things....

I started this post last week before two major things happened!

We got a house!


And we met with our caseworker who told us we are not very far away from getting placed with a little kid! We should be all certified and just waiting to take possession of our house which will happen mid July!

We've been writing to our future kids for a while now and so I thought I'd write to this little kid on here a few times as well...

Dear little kid we've never met,

We can't wait to know you, play with you, snuggle and laugh with you. We wonder what your name is, your favorite color, if you like sports, what kind of birthday cake I will get to make for you and what color you will want us to paint your new room. We hope and pray that wherever you are, you are being loved and taken care of. We pray for God to protect you, your little body and heart and to plant seeds of hope that He loves you and that very soon you will have a mommy and daddy. We aren't going to be perfect but we will never leave you. You will have aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents and lots of friends who already love you too. I know your life is scary and so uncertain right now, but we are getting to you as fast as we can! I pray you sleep sweet tonight with God's peace that passes all understanding. Daddy and I will see you soon... Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

I love the honesty of this entry. It's often how I feel about cameras in general, actually. Sometimes we just get lost in the camera and totally miss the actual activity we're attempting to document.

I also think facts are interesting, and true, and they are as important to remember as anything else (heck, they're the only thing if you're taking a public school American History class!). Anyway, if that's all you put here, that's ok too :)

Thanks for sharing. I love what you've said about the "in between times". Important.

julianelle said...

I love this post. We absolutely can't wait to meet the him!! We are praying for him too!!

Gina said...

Thanks for dropping by Margaret!
And "Julianelle" could be many of my family members...which one are you? :)

Julianelle said...

Well which ever Julianelle wrote that, I think that is what we are all doing and thinking. Can't wait to meet him/her/them! And prayers have been being said since you started this process for the child and for you and Drew. We love you..

Vanessa said...

I LOVE THIS! We are sooo excited and praying!

Tammy Sizemore said...

Sorry Gina, I've been keeping up with your adventure and not commenting. So excited for you! I'll be praying as it all starts coming together. =)

Kel said...

This is an awesome post. I agree with Julianelle! We are praying for your little person and can't wait to meet him/her. :)

Becky Johnson said...

Beautiful, Gina. Praying for this soon-to-blessed little one. You guys will make wonderful parents.