Monday, May 11, 2009

random snapshots from my "April" folder :)

Things have been so busy lately, and really only promise to get busier. I wanted to take a minute to share some pieces of daily life, the people that make my heart full, my voice heard, my soul refreshed and my schedule booked :) Once a month or so Drew and I look around and are just amazed at how The Lord has blessed us this past year. He is good, our life is good. I picked some random favorites to share from the last month...

Luke and I at his school lunch thingy

Adrienne and I, ya know...just looking good :)

Jana who has stolen a piece of my heart and taught me many things
Rachel and Janie...such blessings in my everyday life

These girls are so special to me...special enough to drive 11 hours to spend time with them :)
My sweet Gracie girl.

My "job" is pretty great too. Honestly, I can't believe I get paid for this stuff :)

Playing tennis with Miss Emily
Celebrating Andi's "29th" birthday :)
Syd lost a tooth!

The best part of life these days though, is this handsome guy...

That's all for now...


Becky Johnson said...

We love seeing bits and pieces of your happy life -- and enjoying bits and pieces when we can catch of each other across our crowded schedules. So fun having dinner with you guys... it is NEVER dull.

Anonymous said...

love the pictures! always look forward to your updates---love ya mom